A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving


March 2025

Friday 28 March 2025

Intro to Belly Dance with Karen Muratti

Fri 28 Mar, 7 pm. Heart Mind Healing, Thornebrook Village, 2441 NW 43rd Street, Suite25A, Gainesville. Karen Muratti. Gainesville Circus Center - [karenmuratti][email][events]

Upcoming dates: 3/28, 4/11, and 4/25.
Dance, flow & find bliss through movement.

$22 walk-in at /bookheartmind.as.me/bellydance/

Money-saving packages at /app.acuityscheduling.com/catalog.php?owner=26201350

Use code INSTA10 to get 10% off your first class at Heart Mind Healing.
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