Be the Smartest Dancer in Your Group



Grand Squares Modern Square Dance Beginner Lessons

Ongoing Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm. 6:30 pm Tuesdays in Gainesville 7:00 pm Thursdays in High Springs The lessons are repeated on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Meizon Church, 3411 NW 83 Street, Gainesville. Robin Fraser, 352-317-1636, $5. Grand Squares - [facebook][events]


Grand Squares Modern Square Dance Beginner Lessons in High Springs

Ongoing Thursdays, 7-9 pm. 6:30 pm Tuesdays in Gainesville 7:00 pm Thursdays in High Springs The lessons are repeated on Tuesdays and Thursdays. High Springs Civic Center, 19107 NW 24 Street, Gainesville. Deborah Cassidy, 352-262-0760, Becky Thompson, 386-216-6976. $5. Grand Squares - [facebook][events]

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