Be the Smartest Dancer in Your Group


September 2023

Friday 15 September 2023

Lindy Hop Viideo Game Swing Dance with Live Music by Alex Kaufman

Fri 15 Sep, 7:30-10:30 pm. Rosa B Williams Center, 524 NW First Street, Gainesville, 32601. Edward Stephen Gavlick III, 352-246-4525, Gainesville Swing Dancing - [facebook][events]

Join us for an electrifying video game-themed dance featuring LIVE MUSIC from the Alex Kaufman Big Band. Level up your night by dressing in your best video game-inspired attire and get ready to hit the dance floor. When we call "Ready, Player One," the band will strike up, and it is game on. Race to the finish line and show off your best swing moves—who will emerge victorious?

Gainesville Swing Dancing every Thursday evening from 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM, you can find us at the Rosa B Williams Center. We kick off the night with a one-hour beginner lesson, followed by two hours of social dancing in a beautiful, air-conditioned hardwood dance hall.

We cannot wait to hit the dance floor with all of you.

No partner or experience needed.

Free street parking is available in front of or beside the building, as well as in the nearby Friends of the Library lot.

Free, donations encouraged via cash or Venmo.

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