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Argentine Tango with Trista

Argentine Tango with Trista Mon 5/27 Gainesville GTE


May 2019

Monday 27 May 2019

Argentine Tango with Trista

Mon 27 May, 7-10 pm. Rena's Ballroom, 720 NW 23 Avenue, Gainesville, 32609. Trista, 862-208-2646, Gainesville Tango Exchange - [facebook][events]

There is an all-levels class with rotating topics held from 7-8 pm.

The Monday Milonga runs 8 pm to 10 pm and is open to the community. We play Traditional Tango Music played in 3 song tandas.

DJ Trista Brophy

Light snacks provided. Please bring your own water bottle to refill.

Milonga is $5.
Class is $10, $5 for students.
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