The Solution to a 1,000 Year Old Problem


August 2019

Saturday 31 August 2019

Impromptu Hurricane Pre-Party Social with Koji

Sat 31 Aug, 10 pm-1 am. 3501 SW 2 Ave, Suite G, Gainesville. Jose, 888-616-4786, $5. Salsa Mundial - [facebook][events]

Many cancelled their plans for the weekend because of the hurricane, and because of the gas situation, people may not be able to go to out-of-town socials this weekend. Some people asked for it, so we decided to provide one; please join us for our impromptu hurricane pre-party social tonight.

We have a water fountain (filtered water) in our studio. Please feel free to bring some empty bottles and fill them up for the hurricane.

This event is open to the public, please bring your friends and family.
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