How To Dance With a Partner


July 2019

Saturday 13 July 2019

Dances of Universal Peace Return to Love with Diana

Sat 13 Jul, 7-9:30 pm. The Thomas Center, 302 NE 6 Avenue, Gainesville, 32601. Diana Kanoy, 352-546-1345, $10. Dances of Universal Peace - Gainesville - [DancesOfUniversalPeace][events]

A participatory spiritual event to welcome the new year peacefully with singing and circle dancing for men and women of all faiths. Doors open at 7:00. Come early to greet people.

"Only Love is Flowing Here"

In a sacred and joyful candlelit atmosphere, live music, singing and dancing bring the year to closure and welcome the new as we ring bells in a spirit of harmony and optimism.

The simple circle dances will be taught and everyone joins in.

Men and Women of all faiths are welcome to participate in The Dances, an exuberant, joyful way to connect with and embody diverse spiritual teachings. No experience or partner is necessary. Everyone joins in the singing and dancing accompanied by live music. Words and easy steps are taught in the moment by DiAnahita, a leader certified by Dances of Universal Peace International.

Singing mantras in various languages, with a universal spirit, we participate in dances inspired by African, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Native American, Goddess, and Sufi sacred phrases, creating group harmony and Raising Joy.

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