Be the Smartest Dancer in Your Group


June 2019

Saturday 15 June 2019

Argentine Tango Farewell Milonga for Jorge and Anabel at Thuy’s

Sat 15 Jun, 8:30 pm-1 am. Gainesville. David Chayes, Tango with Thuy - [facebook][events]

Thuy and I are looking forward to seeing you, and dance with you at June's Monthly Milonga #58, The farewell milonga for Jorge and Anabel. After touring the US and Europe, the couple will be in Gainesville for 5 days before they return to Buenos Aires.

Attendance is free as usual. Bring your friends and your favorite dish and/or beverage, to share.

At a private location in Gainesville. Please send a message for directions.

See you, soon, Thuy and David
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