Be the Smartest Dancer in Your Group


September 2019

Thursday 19 September 2019

Ballroom Dancing with Ray and Eileen - Bolero

Thu 19 Sep, 7-9:15 pm. Rena's Ballroom, 720 NW 23 Ave, Gainesville. Eileen Paris, 352-331-2742, Ballroom Dancing with Parris Dance - [events]

Progressive I
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Starting with the basics and progressing each week. Emphasis on technique as well as patterns and lead and follow. 5 weeks. Cost $55 per person, $44 college student, or $100 couple. Try first week for $12 per person.

Progressive II
8:00 pm - 9:15 pm
Strong emphasis on technique. Must know the basics to attend this class.
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