Be the Smartest Dancer in Your Group


July 2019

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Swing Dance Lessons at the Hippodrome

Tue 9 Jul, 7 pm. Hippodrome Theatre, 25 SE 2 Place, Gainesville, 32601. Gainesville Swing Dancing - [events]

Every Tuesday, until Aug 6 Swing Dance Lessons at the Hippodrome Theatre.

Join us at the Hipp Lower Level for swing dancing lessons taught by the Florida Swing Dancing Club! Classes are every Tuesday at 7 p.m. and only cost $5.

Throughout the summer, we will be exploring concepts that are fundamental to Lindy Hop - such as pulse, rhythm, and connection - so that you can take your dancing to the next level.

No previous experience or dance partner required for any of the lessons.
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