Witness to the Misuse of Prescription Drugs

Two Step and Hustle with Andy

Swing Dance Gainesville

Florida North Central: Gainesville, Ocala - United States

Swing: Lindy, West Coast - Dance

Mon 11 Mar 2019


March 2019

Monday 11 March 2019

Two Step and Hustle with Andy

Mon 11 Mar, 5:30-7:30 pm. Congregation B'nai Israel, around the left side in the social hall, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, Gainesville, 32605. Andrew Weitzen, 352-327-3672, publish@gainesvilledance.com. Swing Dance Gainesville - [events]

5:30 pm Two Step
6:30 pm Hustle

Each class is one hour with lots of dancing.

Couples friendly, you rotate as much as you want or not at all. Singles friendly, no partner needed.

The more you dance, the faster you learn.

The cost is for one class per person. You are invited to stay for the other classes on the same night at no extra charge, because we want you to dance more and learn faster.

As always, if financial considerations are keeping you from dancing, contact me.

$10 per night per person, or
$5 per night students
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