How To Dance With a Partner

Beginner Balboa Series

Gainesville Swing Dancing

Florida North Central: Gainesville, Ocala - United States

Swing: Lindy, West Coast - Dance

Mon 16 Sep 2019
Beginner Balboa Series Mon 9/16 Gainesville GSD


September 2019

Monday 16 September 2019

Beginner Balboa Series

Mon 16 Sep, 8:30 am. UF J Wayne Reitz Union, 655 Reitz Union Drive, Gainesville, 32611. Free. Gainesville Swing Dancing - [facebook][events]

What is this balboa thing all about? If you are interested in learning about balboa, how to dance the basics, or want to comfortably dance to faster tempos, this is the place to come! This is not a series you want to miss as it will not only allow students to dance balboa socially, but also prepare them for our October balboa dance and workshop with a special guest instructor!

This series will consist of five weeks of lessons and although there may be time to review topics, many of the lessons will build upon those learned the previous week so attending every session will be to your benefit!
Shoes with suede or leather soles are highly encouraged; students may experience some difficulty wearing shoes that don't allow them to slide.

Lessons will be held in the dance studios in the basement of the Reitz union. Parking at the Reitz is free after 4:30 pm.
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