A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving


September 2019

Sunday 22 September 2019

UF Swing Club Lindy Hop to the Top Lesson Series with Zach

Sun 22 Sep, 1:45-3:45 pm. J. Wayne Reitz Union, UF Campus, 655 Reitz Union Drive, Gainesville, 32611. swinguf@grove.ufl.edu. Free. Gainesville Swing Dancing - [facebook][events]

The Lindy Hop bug can be quite the terror once you've been afflicted. Maybe it's your competitive nature that drives you to expand your skills past a one-hour beginner lesson. Perhaps it's your desire to form deeper friendships among one of the most compassionate, accepting communities in the world. Or maybe you just want to be able to better communicate your art on the dance floor with your partner and share your style with the most experienced dancers.

Join our Teaching Director, Zack Buchillon, as he shares his extensive experience in the form of a thoughtful, engaging lesson series. Zack has attended a large number of different workshops where he has learned from and engaged with many of the most renowned international Lindy Hop instructors of our time! We welcome you to explore with other students and dive into the rich culture and history of the dance we are lucky to partake in.

Here's the nitty gritty:
1) We begin with a simple warm-up that builds our fundamentals as dancers. How can we dance with someone else if we cannot take care of our own bodies?

2) We will engage in brief analysis and share our ideas of the art. This includes healthy posture and connection, active listening skills, and more!

3) The majority of our time will be spent on personalized lessons in which everyone will have specific goals, whilst working on similar moves.

4) We will end each session with a discussion, whether it be about instructing, historical context, jazz music and structure, being compassionate, etc.

When: 1:45pm-3:45pm moste every Sunday. (See calendar, as there are a few we will not meet on)

Cost: $5 per session or $45 for a semester
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