Be the Smartest Dancer in Your Group


July 2019

Saturday 27 July 2019

Gainesville 150 Summer in the City Downtown Dance Party

Sat 27 Jul, 11 am-11 pm. Gainesville, 32605. Kenya Robinson, Swing Dance Gainesville - [gainesville150][events]

From 11 am to 7 pm, the UF Center for Arts in Medicine and The City of Gainesville invites you to The Electric Slide and Other Sacred Geometries, a National Dance Day celebration at Bo Diddley Plaza. This day-long event is part of an ongoing project inspired by the diverse threads of American social dance. The Electric Slide, the Cupid Shuffle, the Wobble, the Tootsie Roll, the Hustle, the Git Up and other classic line dances are a call to action, empowering Gainesville residents through movement and highlighting the importance of preventative care. Come groove with us, it is Electric.

From 6 to 11 pm, downtown Gainesville will be transformed into a party atmosphere for an evening of non-stop dancing. Summer in the City is a free, family-friendly block party with DJ-spun music provided by Genius Entertainment. Revelers can enjoy refreshing snacks and non-alcoholic beverages for sale at onsite food trucks and also visit downtown bars and restaurants which will be serving full food and drink menus. Blocks of SE 2nd Place and SW 1st Street will be closed to traffic for the extravaganza.

Hosted by: the City of Gainesville
Sponsored by: Gainesville Health and Fitness

Summer in the City will be a special opportunity for the entire community to celebrate Gainesville150.
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