Be the Smartest Dancer in Your Group


August 2019

Sunday 11 August 2019

Nia Holistic Movement with Sarit

Sun 11 Aug, 11-12 am. Visionary Athletes, 716 N Main Street, Gainesville, 32601. Sarit Sela, 605-796-9956, $10. Nia Holistic Dance with Sarit Sela - [events]

Nia's philosophy is: Through Movement We Find Health. Nia fitness is based on the idea that exercise should feel good inside and out. Nia is a cardio dance group fitness class that incorporates martial arts, dance arts and healing arts. As an ongoing practice, Nia promotes mindfulness, holistic fitness and well-being. Nia empowers people of all shapes and sizes to connect to their body, mind, emotions and spirit by paying attention to sensation.

This one-hour class is perfect for all levels of experience and fitness.

Parking is available at the back of the building

Wear comfortable movement clothes. Bring a bottle of water. You are encouraged to be practice Nia barefoot.

First class is free. Come with a friend: both of you enjoy a free class.
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