A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving


September 2017

Sunday 17 September 2017

Ecstatic Dance Plus Gong and Potluck

Sun 17 Sep, 7-9 pm. Aurora Healing Arts, 109 SE 4 Ave, Gainesville, 32601. 352-562-9919, beherenow@theheartribe.com. Aurora Healing Arts - [facebook][events]

What is ecstatic dance? It is magical. It is mystical. It is freeing and wonderful. It is you. A time and place in sacred space to let go and live and be your self. Listen to your intuition. Let your body and breath be your guide. Let the music move you. No need to run or hide.

Join us in this free-form movement called ecstatic dance. Lead yourself through a mix of music from all different genres, eras and places around the world. Follow your heart to get in the flow and find yourself in the dance.

Come together with this ever-fresh and changing awesome group of beautiful people, for 90 minutes of 5-rhythms style ecstatic dance. This will be followed by a scintillating gong bath and a delectable vegan potluck. Join with friends of new and old in a sweet community of soft-hearted people you're sure to be welcomed by.

Whether you think you can dance or not, please come out. This is an opportunity to step into the unknown and find yourself, once again.

This is a substance free event. Get in an altered state completely naturally, and be present with your experience, whatever the moment may bring.

This is a bi-weekly ecstatic dance at Aurora, with rotating DJ's and an extremely diverse medley of musical medicine.

A donation of $5-$10 is requested to keep the lights on and continue space improvements.

Parking is down the street at GRU or possibly next to the building if there is room. Bring water or find it here.

With love, care and respect from all the beautiful souls in this conscious community, Namaste.
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