A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving
Israeli Dancing with Andy Mon 9/17 Gainesville IDanceAW


September 2018

Monday 17 September 2018

Israeli Dancing with Andy

Mon 17 Sep, 7-9 pm. Congregation B'nai Israel, around the left side, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, Gainesville, 32605. Andrew Weitzen, 352-327-3672, publish@gainesvilledance.com. $20 for 4 weeks, or $8 per night, per family. College aged and under are free. Israeli Dance with Andrew Weitzen - [gainesville][events]

7 to 7:45 Beginners. Have fun doing beautiful Israeli folk dances to great music, while learning how to dance. The best exercise for your mind, body and soul. All ages. No experience needed.
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