How To Dance With a Partner

West Coast Swing Class

West Coast Swing with Josh Angel

Florida North Central: Gainesville, Ocala - United States

Swing: Lindy, West Coast - Dance

Wed 28 Feb 2018
2017 Ma Ap Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De JaFebruary 2018Ma Ap Ma Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja 2019

West Coast Swing Class

West Coast Swing Class Wed 2/28 Gainesville WCSJA


February 2018

Wednesday 28 February 2018

West Coast Swing Class

Wed 28 Feb, 7-10 pm. Rena's Ballroom, Gainesville, 32605. Josh Angel, 352-514-4238, $40 per month includes the entire evening. West Coast Swing with Josh Angel - [events]

New dancers get in free their first class. If you have been coming to our classes already, and bring someone new to our dances you get $5 off the months admission and they get in free.

July Classes: We begin a new month of Beginner West Coast Swing classes, followed by Intermediate WCS.

Our schedule for the month:
Class #1. Newbie Night Class fee due for Intermediate
Class #2 Beginner and Int WCS classes
Class Social Dance. (no lesson, just dancing)
Class #3 Beginner and Int WCS classes

West Coast Wednesdays Schedule:
7:00 - 7:15pm Doors Open / Warm Up
7:15 - 8:00pm Beginner West Coast Swing
8:00 - 9:00pm Intermediate West Coast Swing
9:00 - 10:00pm Open Social Dancing

Admission Costs:
- BEGINNER CLASS: Beginner class may pay per night: $5 for the 7:15-8:00pm Beginner Class.
- INTERMEDIATE CLASS: $40 per month due at the first class of the month, which includes all the Beginner and Intermediate classes for the month.
- PRACTICE DANCE (9-10pm) is free with paid admission to either class

AGES: 16 and up

UNDER 30: FREE for under the age of 30! (16 to 29 years old)

FIRST TIME IS FREE: your very first class with us is always FREE
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