A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving


May 2018

Thursday 17 May 2018

Ballroom Dancing with Ray and Eileen - Rumba

Thu 17 May, 7-8:45 pm. Rena's Ballroom, 720 NW 23 Ave, Gainesville. Eileen Paris, 352-331-2742, emparris@yahoo.com. Ballroom Dancing with Parris Dance - [events]

May's progressive dance is the very versatile Rumba. It can be danced to a variety of music, not just latin. If you are looking for a slower dance, this is it. We start with the basics and build each week. Singles and couples welcome-rotating partners is optional. No experience needed.

5 weeks of fun-$50 per person or $85 per couple. Try the first week for $12 per person or $20 per couple.
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