A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving


May 2018

Saturday 12 May 2018

Argentine Tango Milonga El Abrazo with Susanna Miller

Sat 12 May, 6:30-11 pm. Rosa B Williams Dance Center, 524 NW 1st Street, Gainesville, 32606. Steve Littler, 352-226-1103, sl@stevelittler.com. Tango El Abrazo Milonga - [events]

6:30 - 7:45 pm with special guest teacher from Buenos Aires, Susana Miller Tango The Pioneer International Milonguero Instructor, for one night only:

1 workshop and mini-private lessons with Susanna during the following milonga from 8:00 to 11:00 pm. Contact Kathleen Ahearn Prucher at 727-742-3368 to arrange mini-private lessons. In the mini-private, Susanna will dance with you for a tanda during the milonga, and then take you to a separate room and give you instructions specific to you to help improve what you are doing.

6:30 – 7:45 pm $25 – Workshop – Figures are situations on the dance floor.

Five basic figures for navigating impeccably for waltz as well as tango.

We will film these figures, combining them with explanations in slow motion, for all Levels.

8:00 – 11:00 – Milonga with mini-privates available. $25 a tanda. 15 minutes.

Milonga $10, Students $5
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