A Cautionary Tale of Caregiving

Square Dancing

Grand Squares

Florida North Central: Gainesville, Ocala - United States

Square - Dance

Thu 12 May 2016
2015 Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma ApMay 2016Ju Ju Au Se Oc No De Ja Fe Ma Ap 2017

Square Dancing

Square Dancing Thu 5/12 Gainesville Grand Square


May 2016

Thursday 12 May 2016

Square Dancing

Thu 12 May, 6:30-9 pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 4225 NW 34 Street, Gainesville. Lon Ligon, 352-377-1828, grandsquares@bellsouth.net. $4. Grand Squares - [events]

6:30 Basic class. 7:30 Mainstream workshop and review. 8:00 Plus workshop and review. 8:30 to 9:00 Plus dancing.
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