Witness to the Misuse of Prescription Drugs


June 2016

Thursday 16 June 2016

Beginning Argentine Tango and West Coast Swing with Andy 5 of 6

Thu 16 Jun, 6-8 pm. Gainesville, 32605. Andrew Weitzen, 352-327-3672, publish@gainesvilledance.com. Gainesville Dance Association - [events]

6:00 to 7:00 pm Beginning Argentine Tango.
7:10 to 8:10 pm Beginning West Coast Swing.

These classes cater to new dancers, that is those people who have never danced before. These are social dance classes. The focus is on having fun, while you learn to dance with a partner. You build your confidence in a non-judgmental atmosphere. No one tells anyone else what to do.

Safety comes first. These are gentle classes. There is no pushing and no pulling. Everyone does their own dancing.

No experienced needed. Good for any beginning dancers, as well as experienced dancers who want to improve their basics or just come out and dance. There is a lot of dance time.

Couples friendly classes. You can dance just with your partner, if you like.

Singles friendly classes. No partner needed. We do rotate partners, for those that want.

Two classes for the price of one.

Cost: $75 for 6 nights (one night free) or $15 per night
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